Less revenge, more governance

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Now that the results of elections to Lok Sabha and some states are out, governments are gearing up to move forward. The LS mandate has disappointed everyone because it gave a confusing outcome. Had it given at least a simple majority to BJP, people would have felt relieved with regard to the stability of the government. A brute majority might have allowed Modi to go ahead with his 100 day time-bound agenda but with known devils rather than unknown angels, Modi can still bank upon Naidu and Nitsh provided he is able to ensure that BJP is in tact and its relationship with RSS is not eroded though the latter did make some squeaky noise soon after the results. Yet, Modi is now compelled to tread cautiously when in case of the majority he could have done what he wanted in the best interests of the country. People have voted for his party fairly well which itself is the proof of their assessment of Modi but somehow deprived him of what he would have liked to do if given a good majority. INDIA Alliance is a kichdi but looks like it cannot be ignored, however insipid is its recipe.

On the other hand, Naidu getting a brute majority has once again revealed the eccentricity of the voters of Andhra Pradesh. In 2019, they gave an unimaginable majority reducing TDP to mere 23 but this time they went further ahead and denied even opposition status to Jagan Mohan Reddy. The seats were less than half of what TDP got in 2019 adding to a devastating humiliation to YSRCP which mocked the former for getting the number of MLAs that defected from YSRCP during the 2014-19 regime. Now YSRCP is almost in ruins and only time will tell whether there will be any resurrection of the leader and the party. During Jagan’s regime, one could see the same revenge pattern they accused TDP of during its earlier governance.

Andhra voters have in a period of 10 years very clearly warned both TDP and YSRCP that they cannot be taken for granted and they would decisively with clarity throw out the government mercilessly as happened, be it in 2019 as well as 2024 or in future too. Maybe, AP people might be wanting to convey that they would not tolerate revenge politics, caste politics, crime perpetuation, which took place in two hitherto regimes for which both parties paid the price heavily. Like it is said, past is past, or gatham gathaha, it is high time this government both at state level and NDA at Centre balances the ratio of revenge versus governance. The voters have given a clear and loud message that the government they elected cannot bide time in blaming the earlier rulers but rather concentrate on what needs to be done as they have now been elected with a clear majority.

Needless to say, Revanth Reddy in Telangana is relentlessly on a revenge spree against KCR and people in AP hope that this kind of system does not prevail in their state. They have said not once but twice that what they look forward to is a rich blend of welfare and development. Jagan simply blaming either EVMs or people’s sincerity in spite of giving so many subsidies would be of no use because basically the rulers should know that voters believe in having the cake and eating it too. People feel that nobody is doing anybody a favour when subsidies are doled out. They feel that they are their rights and would not hesitate in asking for more. It doesn’t mean that they are greedy, selfish and disloyal but want to send a clear message that they are on alert 24×7 and see everyday how they ended the day – loss or gain. This is precisely the reason, what people in AP may be expecting from Naidu is a total revamp of the State from welfare and development points of view. It is very challenging for the new government but not impossible to overcome provided it goes about sincerely and not taking people for granted just because they got a brute majority. In fact not having a strong opposition like in Odisha or for that matter at the Centre, AP has a disadvantage. Take Telangana, the opposition is not weak and the government is able to be on tenterhooks always and is able to rectify as and when something is put out by the former either through Harish or KTR or other senior leaders/spokespersons of BRS. If Revanth reduces the intensity of his personal revenge against KCR and co, he would still perform far better as his intentions may be good except for the bad time he had to go through personally when KCR was in power. His statesmanship in retaining all good done by KCR would in fact enhance his image. Time is a good healer and people are expecting him to give priority to governance over revenge.

In AP too, people would be closely watching with greater hope on the Jana Sena component which can now, in a way, be a watchdog and keep helping the government as and when there are missteps, if any. In a way it can perform the role of an internal auditor and keep checking that the government is able to function as per people’s expectations. In fact, for Jana Sena being in government, it would be a learning experience under an experienced Naidu and with or without BJP, the two parties, in tandem, can think of glorious and golden Andhra Pradesh. The government through social media may be tempted to prevail upon TDP and Jana Sena to settle the account by going on a full blast against the earlier Jagan Mohan Reddy and his accomplices but at the end of the day, the state has to show patience and move forward with greater speed. This doesn’t mean that the irregularities of the earlier government be overlooked but see that at least 80% focus is put on nothing but welfare and development of AP. Revenge can always wait, a mistake Jagan made during his rule. He was concentrating more on targeting the chota opposition rather than what the rich mandate asked him to do. The TDP with no power used the power of the same people who gave such a huge mandate to YSRCP in throwing out the latter at the ripe time. Continuous abuses and targetting TDP and later Jana Sena by YSRCP proved to be a blessing in disguise to romp home with a historic win for the two parties.

With this kind of majority, TDP and Jana Sena can bask under the glory of stupendous success but that should not eclipse the government in its governance and any amount of complacency might not be taken kindly in 2029. TDP and Jana Sena have precisely five years multiplied by 365 days and 24 hours a day. It just can not afford to waste even a minute because AP people are terribly hungry, thirsty and impatient to see their state back on track and not looking back for excellent growth in all spheres.

Published in The South India Times on 22nd June, 2024

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