Three senior citizens or three musketeers ?

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Strange are the ways of politics and politicians. Two senior citizens above 70 are now endowed to help another senior citizen also above the same age. You got it right. Naidu and Nitish having parleys with Modi sums up the three senior citizens or musketeers. What they arrive at, agree and quickly form the government is right on the table and people are waiting with bated breath to know how the outcome would be. Had BJP crossed 300, this situation would not have arisen at all. Now, Modi has to heed someone who has five members of his family elected in his state either as MLAs or MPs from TDP or BJP which is part of the alliance in AP. Now, Modi has to heed someone much against his principle of not encouraging any kind of family or dynastic rule. TDP Naidu, Lokesh, his father in law Bala Krishna, his co son in law, Naidu’s sister in law Purandareswari are from the same family. Likewise, Modi has to compromise with Nitish, the most unpredictable somersault political gymnast not knowing how stable he would be at any given time. But in rajniti, rajadharmam is also a necessity. It is only hoped that good days are back for AP and Bihar under these two newly energised remote controls.

With this type of circus, it remains to be seen whether Modi would be able to steer through and perhaps, as some feel Shah or Gadkari may have that kind of strategy, shrewdness and sagacity to handle difficult people like Nitish and Naidu.

Published in The South India Times on 5th June, 2024

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